Pediatric Physiotherapy

Pediatric Physiotherapy Program

Pediatric Physiotherapy Program

Pediatric physiotherapy programs play a crucial role in supporting the healthy development and well-being of children. These specialized programs are designed to address various physical challenges and promote optimal movement and functionality in young individuals. With a focus on early intervention and personalized care, pediatric physiotherapy programs provide valuable support to children with developmental delays, neurological conditions, musculoskeletal disorders, and other physical limitations.

Specialised pediatric Program in Oakville

Pediatric Physiotherapy Program Details

Physiotherapists can help in the management of concussion in several ways. Here are some of the ways physiotherapists at RCP Health can help with concussion:

Week 1

Week 1: Goals: Assess the child’s baseline abilities, establish rapport, and introduce therapeutic exercises.


Session 1:

Initial assessment: Observe the child’s movement patterns, strength, balance, and coordination.

Parent/caregiver education: Discuss the child’s condition, goals, and the importance of therapeutic exercises.

Introduction to therapeutic exercises: Focus on basic movements, such as stretching, reaching, and weight shifting.


Session 2-5:

Therapeutic exercises: Continue with basic exercises and gradually progress based on the child’s response.

Gross motor training: Incorporate activities to enhance crawling, rolling, or walking depending on the child’s developmental stage.

Balance and coordination training: Introduce activities that challenge balance and coordination, such as obstacle courses or balance boards.

Home exercise program: Provide parents/caregivers with exercises to practice at home.

Week 2

Week 2: Goals: Build on the previous week’s exercises, strengthen specific muscle groups, and introduce more challenging activities.


Session 6-9: 

Therapeutic exercises: Focus on strengthening specific muscle groups related to the child’s needs.

Motor skill development: Introduce activities that promote running, jumping, throwing, or kicking.

Sensory integration: Incorporate sensory activities to improve the child’s sensory processing and motor responses.

Parent/caregiver education: Review exercises, address any concerns, and provide guidance for home practice.

Week 3

Week 3: Goals: Continue progression of exercises, enhance functional abilities, and incorporate play-based therapy.


Session 10-13: Therapeutic exercises: Advance the difficulty of exercises to improve strength, endurance, and coordination.

Functional training: Integrate activities that simulate real-life tasks, such as dressing, stair climbing, or ball catching.

Play-based therapy: Utilize therapeutic play activities to enhance motor skills, coordination, and social interaction.

Home exercise program: Emphasize adherence to the home exercise program and monitor progress.

Week 4

Week 4: Goals: Consolidate progress, reassess the child’s abilities, and plan for ongoing intervention.


Session 14-16:

Review and consolidation: Review all previously learned exercises and activities, ensuring proper form and technique.

Reassessment: Conduct a comprehensive assessment to measure progress and identify areas that require further attention.

Treatment plan modification: Based on the reassessment results, modify the treatment plan to address new goals or needs.

Transition planning: Discuss ongoing intervention options, provide resources for continued support, and offer recommendations for further therapies if necessary.


Throughout the four weeks:

Regular communication: Maintain open lines of communication with parents/caregivers to address any concerns or questions.

Progress monitoring: Continually assess the child’s progress, adjust treatment as needed, and provide positive reinforcement.

Documentation: Maintain detailed records of the child’s assessments, treatment plans, progress notes, and any modifications made.

Remember, this is just a sample program, and it’s important to consult with a pediatric physiotherapist for a personalized and comprehensive program tailored to the child’s specific needs and goals.

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