
Special Offers and Discounts

Discover the realm of unbeatable offers and discounts, spanning across a vast array of services, and unlock the path to significant savings. Dive into a treasure trove of incredible deals that await you, enhanced by exclusive promotions and limited-time offers. Seize the opportunity to indulge in substantial discounts that will leave you pleasantly surprised. Explore this realm of boundless possibilities and experience the thrill of snagging the best prices.

Package Discounts

Experience the utmost care and support with our exclusive healthcare service package discount. We understand the importance of prioritizing your well-being, which is why we have crafted a comprehensive package designed to cater to your healthcare needs. Embrace this opportunity to avail yourself of exceptional medical services at a discounted rate, ensuring that you receive the finest care without compromising on quality. 


5 sessions

10% Off


10 Sessions

15% Off


15 sessions

17% Off


20 Sessions

20% Off
**RCP Health reserves the right to cancel and/or change our terms and/or conditions at any time without notification.

Referral Programs

We believe in the strength of personal recommendations and the value they hold in the healthcare realm. Refer your friends, family, and loved ones to our trusted healthcare providers, and together, reap the benefits of discounted rates on a wide range of treatments and services. 


5 Sessions

Get $20
  • Gift Card


10 Sessions

Get $50
  • Gift Card


20 Sessions

Get $100
  • Gift Card
**RCP Health reserves the right to cancel and/or change our terms and/or conditions at any time without notification.

Gift Cetificate

We believe in the strength of personal recommendations and the value they hold in the healthcare realm. Refer your friends, family, and loved ones to our trusted healthcare providers, and together, reap the benefits of discounted rates on a wide range of treatments and services. 

$1000 Purchase

In-Clinic Service

1 Free Session

$2000 Purchase

In-Clinic Service

2 Free Session

$1500 Purchase

At-Home Service

1 Free Session

$2500 Purchase

At-Home Service

2 Free Session
**RCP Health reserves the right to cancel and/or change our terms and/or conditions at any time without notification.

Contact Us

We are here for you! Book you Physiotherapy Appointment by choosing one of the following option below

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