
Concussion Management

What is Concussion?

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that occurs when the brain is shaken inside the skull. It can be caused by a blow to the head or body, a fall, or any other impact that causes the brain to move quickly back and forth. This movement can cause the brain to bounce or twist within the skull, damaging brain cells and causing chemical changes in the brain.

Symptoms of a concussion can include headache, dizziness, confusion, memory loss, sensitivity to light or noise, nausea or vomiting, and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms may appear immediately after the injury or develop over the course of a few hours or days.

While most concussions are mild and resolve on their own with rest and time, more severe concussions can cause serious complications, including long-term cognitive and emotional problems.


Concussion Management Program at RCP Health

Physiotherapists can help in the management of concussion in several ways. Here are some of the ways physiotherapists at RCP Health can help with concussion:

  • Assessment and diagnosis: Physiotherapists at RCP health are trained to assess and diagnose concussion, as well as any accompanying symptoms, such as balance problems, visual disturbances, and neck pain.
  • Treatment planning: After assessment, the physiotherapist can develop an individualized treatment plan for you based on your symptoms and goals. The treatment plan may include a combination of exercises, education, and advice on activity modification.
  • Vestibular rehabilitation: Vestibular rehabilitation can be an effective way to manage symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, and balance problems associated with concussion. Our physiotherapist with expertise in vestibular rehabilitation can design a customized program of exercises and other techniques to improve the vestibular function.
  • Visual rehabilitation: Our physiotherapist can also provide visual rehabilitation to help with symptoms such as blurred vision, difficulty focusing, and double vision. This can involve specific exercises to improve eye tracking, coordination, and visual processing.
  • Gradual return to activities: The therapist will provide guidance on how to safely return to activities, such as work, school, and sports, after a concussion. This includes developing a plan for gradual reintroduction of activities, as well as monitoring symptoms and adjusting the plan as needed.
  • Education and advice: A physiotherapist can provide education and advice on how to manage symptoms and prevent future concussions. This may include information on concussion prevention strategies, such as proper helmet use and safe play practices.

It’s important to work with a physiotherapist who has experience in treating concussion to ensure that treatment is tailored to your needs and symptoms. Physiotherapists at RCP Health have done advanced certificate in concussion management and ensure a comprehensive approach to concussion management.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Concussion?

The signs and symptoms of a concussion can vary from person to person, and they can be immediate or may develop over the course of several hours or days after the injury. Here are some general signs and symptoms to look out for:

  • Physical symptoms: Headache, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, sensitivity to light or noise, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, and balance problems.

  • Cognitive symptoms: Difficulty concentrating, memory problems, feeling foggy or confused, slowed reaction times, and difficulty with decision-making.

  • Emotional symptoms: Irritability, mood swings, anxiety, depression, and changes in sleep patterns.

  • Behavioral symptoms: Restlessness, impulsivity, and aggression.

  • Sleep disturbances: Difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, and sleeping more than usual.

The symptoms of a concussion in infants and toddlers can be difficult to recognize, as they may not be able to communicate their symptoms clearly. Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Sleeping patterns: Your child may sleep more or less than usual, have trouble falling asleep, or wake up more often during the night.
  • Changes in eating patterns: Your child may have changes in their appetite or may refuse to eat or drink.
  • Mood or Behavior Changes: Your child may seem irritable, fussy, or more emotional than usual. They may also be more clingy or have separation anxiety.
  • Changes in play: Your child may seem less interested in their usual activities or toys or may have difficulty playing or walking.
  • Loss of developmental milestones: If your child has recently learned a new skill, such as crawling or walking, they may have difficulty performing that skill after a concussion.
  • Other physical symptoms: Your child may have difficulty balancing, may be unsteady on their feet, or may vomit.

It’s important to note that not all people with concussion will have all of these symptoms. Some people may have only a few symptoms, while others may have many. Additionally, some symptoms may not be noticeable until several days after the injury. If you or someone you know has experienced a head injury and is showing any of these signs or symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Why RCP Health-Oakville is Best Rated Clinic for Concussion Management

Physiotherapists at RCP Heatlh can effectively treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Our physiotherapist can help you address the underlying causes of your symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and improve function.

Some of the techniques that our physiotherapists may use to treat carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • Expertise: Our Physiotherapists have specialized training and expertise in treating injuries and conditions that affect the body’s movement and function. They can provide a thorough assessment and diagnosis of your concussion symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you recover.
  • Individualized care: RCP Health team provides individualized care that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. They can work with you to develop a treatment plan that takes into account your symptoms, lifestyle, and other factors that may impact your recovery.
  • Range of services: We offer a range of services to help you recover from a concussion, including exercises, education, and advice on activity modification. We also offer specialized services such as vestibular rehabilitation or cognitive rehabilitation.
  • Collaboration with other healthcare professionals: We work in collaboration with other healthcare professionals such as physicians, occupational therapists, or psychologists to provide a comprehensive approach to concussion management.

Overall, treatment at RCP health is an effective part of a multi-disciplinary approach to concussion management, helping our patients recover from their injury and regain their quality of life.

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