Care & Treatment

Virtual Services

Excellent Care at  the Comfort of your home

About RCP virtual care services?

Your physical, mental, or emotional well-being remains to be our top priority. Our virtual care services ensure that no matter where you are, you still have access to our highly rated services. our Virtual services not only improve patient care but also access to care especially for people with mobility limitations, or those in rural areas who don’t have access to a local doctor or clinic. 



A few of the benefits of using our virtual service are:

  • Better Assessment as therapists can observe you and assess your ability to navigate and take care of yourself in your home
  • Less exposure to other people’s germs especially helps those who are chronically ill, pregnant, elderly, or immunocompromised.
  • Better and improved access to our services. 
  • Reduced travel time that leads to Significant cost savings along with convenience

RCP Virtual Services

Below are the services we provide virtually

Health care appointments across Ontario are available. Contact us for more information.

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Check out our resources section for more information on topics like health, lifestyle, rehabilitation, and many more.